Consumers, family members, and other stakeholders have the right to file a complaint/issue related to the community program planning process, service access, and consistency between program implementation and the approved Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) plan for the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health (RUHSBH). When an individual expresses a complaint or issue to program staff, the staff member will ask the consumer/ family member/ stakeholder if they want to file a formal complaint. Such complaints or issues will be addressed, investigated and resolved in a timely manner using the MHSA Issue Resolution procedure. Any complaints or grievances about an individual's mental health services should be submitted to Quality Improvement for logging, tracking, and resolution in accordance with DMH Policy #295 "Beneficiary/ Consumer Problem Resolution Process."
- Filing a Complaint
- A consumer, family member, or other stakeholder may file a complaint/issue, orally or in writing with the MHSA Manager or with the Quality Improvement (QI) Program, who will forward it to the MHSA Manager. The complaint should specify the language of the law or policy that has been breached. The timeline requirement will begin at the time the complaint is received.
- Upon receipt of an oral or written complaint/issue, it will be logged within one (1) working day in the MHSA Issue Resolution Log. The log will indicate:
- The name and address of the consumer/ family member/ stakeholder making the complaint
- The date of the receipt of the complaint
- The nature and origin of the complaint
- Final disposition of the complaint, including the date the decision/response is sent to the individual, or documentation of the reason(s) that there has not been final disposition of the complaint/issue
- MHSA Issue Resolution Process
- Upon notification of a complaint or issue, MHSA Administration will send a letter acknowledging the receipt of the complaint/ issue to the individual who made the complaint within ten (10) working days.
- MHSA Administration will begin an investigation of the issue.
- Upon completion of the investigation, the MHSA Manager shall notify RUHSBH top management with details of the investigation and the resulting action/ decision.
- MHSA Administration will send a written decision on the outcome of the issue to the individual who made the complaint within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. A copy will be sent to the manager of the program about which there was a complaint (if applicable), and to the RUSHBH Assistant Director of Programs.
- The timeframe may be extended up to fourteen (14) calendar days if the individual who made the complaint requests an extension, or if the MHSA Manager determines that there is a need for additional information and that the delay is in the complainant's interest. When an extension occurs, the MHSA Manager will send a written notice to the individual who made the complaint as well as the RUSHBH program involved and the RUSHBH Assistant Director of Programs.
- If the complainant wishes at any time to withdraw the complaint/issue, it will be noted in the MHSA Issue Resolution Log and MHSA Administration will send a follow-up letter to the individual who made the complaint to confirm withdrawal of the complaint/issue.
- If the individual making the complaint/ issue is dissatisfied with the decision/resolution, the individual may take it to the State level
- State Appeal
- If an individual is not satisfied with the outcome of their MHSA complaint/issue at the county level, they may submit it to the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), California Mental Health Planning Council (CMHPC), or any agency and/or entity the issue filer feels may assist in resolving the MHSA related issue.

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